Character Info----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Character name: Yenni
Race: tauren
Class: shaman
Armory Link:
General Info----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Age: 51
How did you hear about Heretic: forum
Voucher: No
Guild History: Trauma, and yes they know. Trauma is a casual guild of friends. We tried to make a raiding guild but recruiting on this server is difficult to say the least
Rules Agreements: You expect your members to respect each other foremost. That summarises it to the shortest. I can elaborate here if need be but from what I read of your rules you respect each other, enjoy each others company and take the time out to get to know each other fairly well. Be it in vent or in guild chat. My values on this game match what I have read in your rules.
About you: As you can see I am 51 years of age. I have played this game for about four years now. I began my wow *career* as a resto druid in classic. We raided BWL and MC. I loved ZG and Ony. When BC came out I raided SSC and TK as a resto druid and about halfway through BC I switched to a shadow priest. I played her till Wrath came out and lvled her to 80. However I found that I was really lacking in the dps and after much discussions with shadow priests I respected, and much changing of rotations and such I decided to try a new class. This is when I became an elemental shaman and found what I should have been playing since BC came out. I made a draenie shaman, I still have her. She is 10/12 ICC and on Silvermoon. Yenni I made as a fun toon horde side. When my real life changed and I was unable to continue raiding with my guild on Silvermoon I decided to look Oceanic and find a home here. A friend and I ( I believe he is applying to) moved both our best horde toons here. Having played Ally for so long I had decided that it was time to make the change and go Horde. Yenni is not as geared as Chantie my other shaman but I do know my class and how to play her. I am currently working on her gear but I think that I am at a standstill unless I can get into raiding with her now. In real life I am a mother of four grown (sort of) children. Grandmother of two. I do hope that you wont hold my age against me. I take this game seriously (when it comes to progression) I like to have fun and make friends. Im not into drama and bs. I am just here to have fun and beat this game at the same time. I live in Western Australia so the 8.30 ST raiding is awesome for me.
Raid Info----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Raid Time-Zone: au
Main specialization: Elemental
Off specialization: Restoration
Do you Vent?: yes
End-game experience: I have raided on three different toons in my Wow life as I explained up the top.
Classic: MC cleared
ZG cleared
Ony cleared
BWL first boss
Naxx didnt get there before BC came out
Burning Crusade
Kara cleared
ZA cleared
SSC cleared
TK cleared
BT cleared
Hyjal cleared
Sunwell cleared to fourth boss before Wrath
Wrath Naxx 10/25 cleared
Ulduar 10 cleared (inc yogg)
Ulduar 25 cleared to Mim
Ulduar 10 HM cleared to Mim
Toc10/25 cleared
Toc 10 HM cleared Icc 10 cleared 10/12 Icc 25 cleared 4/12
Ony cleared OS have nightfall and twilight on Chantie
VOA cleared
ICC 10 cleared to Sindragosa 10/12
ICC 25 first wing cleared 4/12
Now I realise when you inspect Yenni on Armoury none of this will show. However my other shaman is Chantie in Crusade on Silvermoon. For some reason it will not allow me to post my link here to the Armoury showing Chantie. I will try making a separate post after this and put it there.
Glyphs: Glyph of Lightening Bolt. > It increases the damage done by my lightening bolt. I use this the most in my rotation so its only feasible that I would glyph it
Glyph of Flame Shock. Again flame shock is part of my main rotation and the glyph helps with my dps
Glyph of Totem of Wrath. I love this totem and this glyph. If we have a demo lock in the raid his buff overides my totem but this glyph, once I drop that totem I keep the spell bonus buff from the glyph for five minutes. This then requires me to only drop it every five minutes to refresh the buff and frees my fire totem up for another type. If we dont have a demo lock then i get my wrath totem bonus and the glyph bonus. Works for me.
My minor glyphs are Thunderstorm, Renewed Life and Waterwalking.
Thunderstorm is terrific as it allows me to use my elemental aoe without knocking back. If as rarely happens my mana gets low I can Thunderstorm to get some back and not send the tanks troppo by knocking the mobs all over. The other two minors just require I dont need reagents which is great for bag space.
Do you stand in fire?: I have pretty good survivability * unless Im healing. then I tend to watch my raid and not myself. Im not the best healer out there. be warned
* Its painful being in a fight where constant movement is required as it affects my dps output but staying alive to throw that last lb is more important than dying trying to cast halfway through a fight.
Mods/addons do you use in raids: I use DBM. Recount (mainly just to keep a watch on my own output. I never post it in raid or guild unless specifically asked to by an officer) Flo Totem Bar, I realise that blizz supplied us with one but I still like my old FTB. And finally Quartz. Helps with the latency issues we have here in Western Australia
Research boss fights: Tank Spot mostly. I go to youtube a lot and do the How To. to get different aspects of the fights.
Fight Rotations: Flame Shock. Lava Burst. Lightening Bolt. >>> continueing with Light Bolt until Lava Burst cd. and flame shock just before it drops off each time. I sometimes will throw a Chain Lightening to catch a space between LB and a lava burst cd. I use Chain Lightning on trash as well as my magma totem and Thunderstorm. If its not some mobs that are going to hit all and sundry around them you will see me darting in and out replacing my magma totem and using my fire nova spell and thunderstorming when its on cd.
What it means to be in a casual guild: To me a casual raiding guild is a group of people that have a common goal progression wise but at the same time it isnt the be all and end all of playing the game. Enjoying each others company and respecting the fact that real life pops up and things do happen. That raiding shouldnt take priority over someones life but at the same time still want to progress and respect each others desire to do so. My time is as important as your time. And your time is as important as my time.
I am Koala hear me rawr