Character Info
Character name: sensoriel
Race: troll
Class: priest
Armory Link:
General Info
Age: 27
How did you hear about Heretic: forum
Voucher: no
Guild History: Thanatos and financial crisis. I joined Thanatos however i could not meet the raid times that they had in the end. Financial Crisis listed themselves as 3 days a week 10 man, however they started to push for 4 days and wanted into 25 mans.
Rules Agreements: I have: If sign-ed up please show up to raids Obviously don't harrass other members of the guild Real life comes first 18+ age Try and talk on vent and get to know others Listen to GM/Officers and Have fun!!
About you: I'm an accountant (auditor). I've been playing wow since release, taking various breaks. I raided fairly heavily up until the release of TOTC. However as this was released i went over to the himialayas to mountain climb and successffully climbed Lobuche East at 6100m. I enjoy sports, travelling and of course drinking scotch and red wine. Note: I am an aussie but basically I am applying for the EU raids as I understand they are on Fri-Sunday mornings. While I cannot make Friday I can make Sat-Sunday days, unless I am having a long weekend with the girlfriend etc. I'm really happy to raid these days and would like to have a stable guild to do this with, I'm more than happy to sit out on these days for others too if ever required, I saw that you needed to bolster your ranks so I figured this might be a viable option for the EU team.
Raid Info
Raid Time-Zone: euro
Main specialization: shadow 13/0/58
Off specialization: Disc 54/17/0
Do you Vent?: yes
End-game experience: Sensoriel (Shadowpriest) Cleared Nax 10 and 25 Cleared Sarth +3 Cleared Maly Cleared 10 and 25 man Ulduar Completed Glory of Ulduar raider (rusted Proto Drake) 25 man Ulduar hardmodes: IC, Flame, Hodir, Thorim, General, Yogg +3, Freya +2 TOTC 25 man and 10 man cleared TOGC 10 man 3/5 ICC 10 man 5/12 ICC 25 man 4/12 Resto Druid (played from Vanilla through to WOTLK) Cleared ZG, MC upto Nef BWL Cleared all content to Mother in BT and 4/5 Hyjal. This was before attunement nerfs to BT/ Hyjal.
Glyphs: Glyph of Shadow Glyph of Mindflay Glyph of SW:P These are the only dps spec glyphs available swP gives a base % of mana back but is still more of a damage spec glyph. Dispell glyps, fear are more pvp based. The only other glyph i used was the dispersion glyph for Alagalon 10 man, to soak up his AOE (glyph gave me a longer time in my dispersion state).
Do you stand in fire?: Nope. I do make mistakes however but I learn from them.
Mods/addons do you use in raids: Along with deadly boss mods and shadowgreenlight to help me know when to re-apply SW:P.
Research boss fights: I use bosskillers when appropriate. Wowwiki at times, but I mainly use and youtube videos supplemented by certain top guild websites like last resort (EU) etc.
Fight Rotations: Shadowpriests have a priority which is as follows: Openning sequence: VT MB DP MFx2 (to get to 5 stacks of shadowweaving) SW:P after this SW:P is re-applied when my trinket hit's the maximum number of stacks and scortches etc are up on the boss. After this the priority is as follows: VT MB DP MF SW:P should be on the target always (refreshes with mindflay) With four set t10 bonus mind blast could arguably be dropped and a mindflay be included.
What it means to be in a casual guild: To enjoy each members company, be respectful, helpful and remember there is a person behind each computer. Other than that raid and have fun together!!